music | jazz

Adam Ben Ezra feat. Michael Olivera


When and where

23.05 Thursday 20:00 - School event

For the past decade, double-bass phenomenon and multi-instrumentalist Adam Ben Ezra has been redefining and breathing new life into the double-bass and inspiring many with his flawless musicianship and his striking songwriting, carving out a unique spot for himself in today’s international musical landscape.

With well over twenty million views to date on his videos and a strong following on all social media platforms, Adam is a bonafide internet star. His success is certainly not confined to the web, with hundreds of shows under his belt across Europe, the United States and beyond. Having shared bills with the likes of Snarky Puppy, Pat Metheny, Victor Wooten and Richard Bona to name but a few, Adam is no stranger to big venues and festivals and is truly at home on stage. His work has been shown at industry leading publications, such as the BBC, CBS News, Time Magazine and The British Telegraph to name but a few. Jazz FM has defined his appearance as ”A dazzling virtuosity and breath-taking athletic performance”.

Depuis maintenant plus d’une dizaine d’années, Adam Ben Ezra, multi-instrumentiste de renom et considéré par beaucoup comme un véritable phénomène de la contrebasse, redéfinit les limites de son instrument et lui insuffle une nouvelle vie. Une musicalité saisissante et une écriture saisissante de sensibilité lui confèrent une place unique aux côtés des plus grand·es dans le paysage musical international contemporain.

Avec plus de 20 millions de vues cumulées sur les plateformes de streaming et une forte présence sur les réseaux sociaux, Adam Ben Ezra est un véritable phénomène du web. Il a notamment partagé l’affiche avec Snarky Puppy, Pat Metheny, Victor Wooten et Richard Bona, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns. Habitué des grandes salles et des festivals, Adam Ben Ezra a eu les honneurs de la BBC, CBS News, Time Magazine ou bien encore de The British Telegraph, et s’est vu qualifier par le célèbre Jazz FM de “virtuosité éblouissante et une performance athlétique à couper le souffle”.

Adam Ben Ezra revient sur le devant de la scène avec un nouveau projet en collaboration avec le percussionniste cubain Michael Olivera, connu pour ses collaborations avec des artistes tels que Sting, Richard Bona ou Quincy Jones. Michael Olivera est également le batteur attitré du pianiste Alfredo Rodriguez.

Une rencontre au sommet qui promet de beaux moments de complicité et de créativité entre deux univers musicaux bien distincts, mais tellement complémentaires.

For the past decade, double-bass phenomenon and multi-instrumentalist Adam Ben Ezra has been redefining and breathing new life into the double-bass and inspiring many with his flawless musicianship and his striking songwriting, carving out a unique spot for himself in today’s international musical landscape.

With well over twenty million views to date on his videos and a strong following on all social media platforms, Adam is a bonafide internet star. His success is certainly not confined to the web, with hundreds of shows under his belt across Europe, the United States and beyond. Having shared bills with the likes of Snarky Puppy, Pat Metheny, Victor Wooten and Richard Bona to name but a few, Adam is no stranger to big venues and festivals and is truly at home on stage. His work has been shown at industry leading publications, such as the BBC, CBS News, Time Magazine and The British Telegraph to name but a few. Jazz FM has defined his appearance as ”A dazzling virtuosity and breath-taking athletic performance”.

"Bringing the double bass out of the shadows."


"A spellbinding performer."

The Telegraph
Main organiser
