23.10.2022 - 24.10.2022
performance | pluridisciplinary

Ersatz - Théâtre d'objets ou l'intelligence n'est pas artificielle

Ersatz, an object theatre play inspired by the fantasy series Black Mirror, questions the future of humanity in the age of techno-science. Virtual helmets to immerse oneself in a new reality, a body boosted by artificial organs, a digital brain to decide for us: nightmare or near future? In the wake of this disturbing vision,  Julien Mellano tackles this topical subject with the humor and the zany distance that theater allows. Ersatz travels through a troubled world where the future is already present. In a setting worthy of the best science fiction films, Julien Mellano probes virtual reality to offer us his freely fantasized vision of the people of tomorrow. Using bits of cardboard, wool and twisted bricolage, he multiplies the DIY special effects in a “low-tech” version. From experiment to experiment, this scientist, or guinea pig against his will, reveals the transhumanism of the character he embodies.

  • Plein tarif 18€
  • Tarif Réduit 6€
  • Kulturpass 1.5€

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    Conception et interprétation: Julien Mellano
    (en alternance avec Sarah Reyjasse)
    Regard extérieur: Étienne Manceau
    Lumière: Sébastien Thomas
    Dispositif sonore: Gildas Gaboriau
    Musiques: Olivier Mellano, Mauricio Kagel
    Régie (en alternance): Sébastien Thomas, Gildas Gaboriau ou Denis Malard

    Main organiser


    Line up

    Conception et interprétation: Julien Mellano
    (en alternance avec Sarah Reyjasse)
    Regard extérieur: Étienne Manceau
    Lumière: Sébastien Thomas
    Dispositif sonore: Gildas Gaboriau
    Musiques: Olivier Mellano, Mauricio Kagel
    Régie (en alternance): Sébastien Thomas, Gildas Gaboriau ou Denis Malard