Culture neimënster Résidences Published on 22.12.2023

Call for Applications

Towards New Public Art Encounters

Who : Artists interested in exploring new modes of interaction between art and audiences.

What : neimënster is seeking applications for a two-week research residency that aims to reimagine the connection between art and the public. Artists are encouraged to break out of the formal frameworks that govern their relationships with audiences and create new possibilities, new ways of meeting, new ways of sharing the emotions, sensations and thoughts that run through their creations.

When : The research residency will take place from April 15 to April 28, 2024. Selected projects will be presented on May 19, 2024.

Why : As social bonds have been disrupted in recent years, neimënster aims to find new and effective modes of interaction with art, culture, and the community. This residency provides an opportunity for artists to explore and create connections and generate new possibilities for engagement.

Required Documents :

  1. CV ;
  2. Letter of motivation or project proposal. You can apply with a specific project or simply with avenues of research that you would like to pursue individually or in collaboration with other artists from the same or different artistic disciplines.

How to Apply : Send your application to by January 31, 2024.

Selection Process : 5 artists will be selected for the research residency, receiving a 2,000€ grant. After the two-week residency, 3 projects will receive a production budget of 2,500€ and will be presented alongside the work of previously hosted artists.

Notification : Selected artists will be informed on February 7, 2024.

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